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Malcolm McLAREN

  • Ref. XM353A
  • PHILIPS, 1983.


  • 1 Honor your partners. Honor your corners
  • 2 Allemande left on the corner and agrand right and left half way round, and you meet you gal in the valleyy and you promenade her back home.
  • 3 Head couple lead down the valley
  • 4 Circle four to the left and to theright
  • 5 And you swing with the opposite lady
  • 6 Now you swing with your red river gal. (other couple) Now you lead ondown in hte valley and repeat Nos.4, 5 , 6 and 2. (Side couple) now the side couple lead down the valley and repeat Nos. 4, 5 and 6. (Other couple) Now you lead on down in the valley and repeat Nos. 4, 5 and 6.
  • 7 Allemande left on the corner and agrand right and left half way round, and you meet your gal in the valley and you promenade her back home.
  • 8 All bow to partners. All bow to corners.
  • 9 Allemande left, grand right and left until you meet partners. Then promenade.
  • 10 Couple walk to the right of the ring.
  • 11 Join hands with side couple. Walk to the left and then to the right.
  • 12 Swing opposite lady.
  • 13 Swing partner.