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  • Ref. XH934M
  • COLUMBIA COMPACT (SME), 2000. Enregistrement 1975-1999.



  • 1 Once bitten twice shy
  • 2 Who do you love
  • 3 Colwater high
  • 4 One fine day
  • 5 The truth, the whole truth, nuthin' but the truth
  • 6 All american alien boy
  • 7 Common disease
  • 8 Justice of the peace
  • 9 When the daylight comes
  • 10 Cleveland rocks
  • 11 Bastard
  • 12 Gun control
  • 13 Speechless
  • 14 Traitor
  • 15 I'm the teacher
  • 16 great expectations (You never knowwhat to expect)
  • 17 Good man in a bad time
  • 18 Women's intuition
  • 19 Ain't no way to treat a lady
  • 20 All the young dudes, live (with Def Leppard)
  • 21 Shades off (Poem)
  • 22 Boy
  • 23 Letter to Britannia from the UnionJack
  • 24 You nearly did me in
  • 25 God advice to a friend
  • 26 Shallow crystals
  • 27 Ships
  • 28 Standing in my light
  • 29 The outsider
  • 30 Junkman (with Genya Ravan)
  • 31 Old records never die
  • 32 All of the good ones are taken
  • 33 Seeing double
  • 34 Bluebirds
  • 35 Sunshine eyes
  • 36 Ill wind
  • 37 All is forgiven
  • 38 Michael Picasso, live