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  • Ref. XT215A
  • ANTENNA RECORDS, 2005. Enregistrement 2002-2004.

The Telescopes fourth release brings ten new studio recordings drawn from live performances between 2002 and 2004. There is a distinctly druid feel to the album, created by the quiet pagan vocals and soft cavernous drones. Everything is cyclic, with bass tones pulsating and sonic melodies sewn into the tapestry of the tracks."


  • 1 hypnotic pulse of the motor driven(The)
  • 2 Link #1
  • 3 On a dead man's bones by the moon skeletons dance a demon dance of the doomed
  • 4 All the leaves
  • 5 A measure of imbalance
  • 6 Singularity
  • 7 Fear the eye became the tone
  • 8 The yearning
  • 9 Winter #4
  • 10 It bleeds