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  • Ref. MK9696
  • TOPIC RECORDS, 1994.

Enregistrements de terrain par Jean Jenkins. Ce disque présente les chants et musiques traditionnelles d'Ethiopie, et tout particulièrement des peuples vivant dans les hauts-plateaux du centre, dans le désert qui l'entoure et en Erythrée. Livret en anglais. (ASDS)

Écouter les extraits


  • 1 Coptic Church Chant
  • 2 from Wollo Province Luxo
  • 3 Begehemdir Province Falasha Daily Prayer
  • 4 with Bagana from Shoa Province Herod's Decree
  • 5 with Massenqo from Wollo Province Batie-Wax & Gold
  • 6 Tigre Province Washint
  • 7 Axum Skista
  • 8 with Kerar from Gondar Province Love Song
  • 9 Sidamo Province Gurage Dance
  • 10 Gondar-Beghemdir Province Incitement-Into-Battle
  • 11 with Embiltas from Eritrea Province Dance
  • 12 Genealogy and History recitation Somali Ramadan Celebration
  • 13 Danakil Desert Afar Salt Mining Chant
  • 14 Rashaida Tribe Stick Dance
  • 15 Honour To Those Afar Who Have Killed
  • 16 Cattle Praise
  • 17 Borana Wells Water Drawing Chant
  • 18 Somali-Borana mix Gerre Religious Singing
  • 19 Part 1 Rashaida End of Ramadan All-Night Dance
  • 20 Part 2 Rashaida End of Ramadan All-Night Dance
  • 21 with Rebaba from Eritrea About a Cow
  • 22 Eritrea Singing & Dancing
  • 23 Eritrea Wedding Music
  • 24 with Embilta from Eritrea Feast Music
  • 25 Assaorta-Eritrea Friday Prayer
  • 26 with Funfera from Eritrea Flute Music
  • 27 with Rebaba from Massawa Exorcism
  • 28 Eritrea Wedding Music
  • 29 with Kerar from Eritrea Neguesse
  • 30 with Drums from Eritrea Feast Dance
  • 31 Eritrea Milking Song
  • 32