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Sandor Déki LAKATOS

  • Ref. MT1614


  • 1 Good evening*Little dog, big dog*What a high inn*Little well, water well*Wooden fork, wooden spoon, wooden plate*I never stole in my life*Poke it out*Soldiers march on the highway*Gipsy tent*There are only twogirls in the village
  • 2 Gipsy, gipsy, why are you a gipsy*Law students have nine lives*Cheap wine, cheap wine, rotten cheap wine*A cold wind is blowing, mother*Long-legged stork*In the meadow, the meadow*A woman's nine daughters*The Nyiregyháza barracks are far away*My rose is pretty, without a fault*My boots have no stiffeners
  • 3 Girls, rate the lads highly*Captain, hey ho !*The emperor hasn't*I'llharness my horse*I'll go down to the cellar*Mother's baking*They still say there's no witches in Szeged*Pretty girls, pretty girls have eyes of blue*One kitten, two kittens*My, what a fine wedding
  • 4 I drank red wine last night*My hat, my hat's on sideways*My love comes from Transdanubia*Badacsony wine*Girls, girls Simongát girls*My sweetheart wears boots with welts on*There's a wedding in our street*The jackdaw builds a nest in the poplar tree*The rose tree bows down*Now the dance begins
  • 5 My little tatched house*Sheepdogs bark*Red apples have thin peel*There's trouble, big trouble*I can't sleep, mother*Poplars don't grow up to the skies*The brook overflowed*Puli dog csardas*A three-day wedding feast*The hut is blazing
  • 6 There's a long line of poplars along the road*An apple under the tree*I have no money, but I'll have some soon*What's that moving in the green-leaved bush ?*The four corners of my handkerchief*The carpenters are chiselling at the bottom of the garden*Mári Bazsa's goose*The pig'srooting*Badacsony csárdás*It's over, over, over now