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Soirée Ouïghoure | SOLD OUT

le 10/12/2019 de 18h00 à 20h00 - PointCulture ULB Ixelles

soirée Ouïghoure

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Projection du film court "An Unanswered Telephone Call" de Aziz Isa Elkun, suivi d'une session de questions-réponses avec le réalisateur, et d'un spectacle de musique et danse ouïghoures. ⚠️ → RÉSERVATION OBLIGATOIRE en ligne, → Il est impératif de vous présenter à 17h45 au plus tard, muni.e de votre réservation; nous nous nous permettrons de céder vos places non prises à partir de 18h. Attention il y aura très peu de places assises, afin de permettre au plus grand nombre d'assister à la soirée. merci pour votre compréhension.

⚠️ SOLD OUT ⚠️


Film produced by Aziz Isa Elkun
Script writer: Aziz Isa Elkun
Film length: 20 minutes.
Film language: English (includes some subtitles)

This film is based on the true story of an Uyghur man who has been living in London for more than 20 years. The suffering of the Uyghurs who live in exile has reached unbearable levels in recent years after China pursued a total blockade of international telephone calls between Uyghurs at home and abroad.

Since October 2016, Uyghurs in East Turkistan (Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China) have been forbidden to make or receive phone calls from their relatives abroad. China claims this policy is part of the "anti-religious extremism campaign", and responds to Xi Jinping's call to erect "iron walls" around the region.

This film provides a personal view of the situation from the perspective of a Uyghur exile in the UK attempting to contact his ailing parents in a rural region. It provides insights into the life experiences of his mother under the revolutionary campaigns of the mid-20th century, the frustrations of the exiled nationalist, and the struggles of his daughters in the UK who comes from a place that no-one has heard of: "East Turkistan".



  • Kamil Abbas (Ghijek)
  • Erkin Mensur (Dutar)
  • Nassima Chavaieva (chants)


  • Gulendam Hebibulla
  • Nadire Shawket.

L'événement sera modéré par le Cercle des Étudiants Arabo-Europeens (CEAE)



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Cercle des Étudiants Arabo-Europeens (CEAE)


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